We think we know what everyone is going through, but the truth is, we have no idea. And for those of you being put down, recognize that if someone's making you feel like you're not good enough, you're allowing them to do that. Look when someone says that you're beautiful, you believe them for a moment, but when someone tells you you're ugly, you believe them for a lifetime. Our mind constantly tricks us into amplifying the negatives and minimizing the positives. but it's our choice to not let that in. Accept that you're enough, claim your belongings because the more you believe that you're enough, the more likely you are to attract it. We have to learn to carry ourselves, this is not a negative message. It's a message for long-term growth. Happiness is how we feel about ourselves when we're by ourselves. It was Gandhi who said that I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet. ...
The Masoom Blogger
Nothing so important to tell you about me. Just be genuine and stay cool.